
ASP Repeater helper to output class names on every Nth item

06 Feb 2014

Reading time: 1 minute

I came across a need to output a “clear” class to every 5th item in an asp:repeater. Here’s an over-simplified example of the code that was written.

<asp:Repeater runat='server'>
        <li class='<%# If((Container.DataItemIndex + 1 Mod 5).Equals(0), "clear", "") %>'>
            <%# Container.DataItem.Title %>

I say we could to better. First - let’s work out what we want to say. Every 5th item output a new class. To determine if we are the fith item, we need to know the currentIndex and add 1 as it’s 0 based.

So let’s write pseudo code of what we actually want:

<li class='<%# Container.Every5thItem("clear") %>'>...</li>

Okay - that feels better, but I think we could improve it by having ‘5’ as a parameter, I know that we might decide to change the width of this repeater later, and thus need to change which item clears.

<li class='<%# Container.Every(5).Output("clear") %>'>...</li>

Nice - that’s a descriptive way of outputting a the “clear” class on every 5th item, and allows us to change the params depending on our needs. But how do we write the code?

Public Module RepeaterHelper
    Public Function Every(container As IDataItemContainer, nthItem As Integer) As ...
    End Function
End Module

So this is the skeleton that allows us to extend the “Container” object in a repeater, adding “Every” as a function to any IDataItemContainer in your project. Now we need to return an object that exposes an Output function…

Public Module RepeaterHelper

    Public Function Every(container As IDataItemContainer, nthItem As Integer) As Itemiser
        Return New Itemiser(container.DataItemIndex, nthItem)
    End Function

    Public Class Itemiser
        Public Sub New(ByVal currentIndex As Integer, ByVal item As Integer)
            Me.ItemCount = item
            Me.CurrentIndex = currentIndex
        End Sub
        Property ItemCount As Integer
        Property CurrentIndex As Integer
        Public Function Output(ByVal text As String) As String
            Return If(((CurrentIndex + 1) Mod 5).Equals(0), text, "")
        End Function
    End Class

End Module

ANd that’s it - outputting a class on every 5th item in a repeater.