
Querystring helpers in .NET

24 Mar 2015

Reading time: 1 minute

Often we have pages that have multiple optional querystrings. Here is a simple function that allows developers to write really clear code to get parameters from the querystring (or any other object that derives from NameValueCollection.

public static class QuerystringHelper
	public static int? GetNullableInt(
        NameValueCollection querystring, 
        string param)
		string str = querystring(param);
		int result = 0;
		if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) && int.TryParse(str, result)) {
			return result;
		return null;

or in vb…

Public Module QuerystringHelper

    Public Function GetNullableInt(
        querystring As NameValueCollection, 
        param As String) As Integer?
        Dim str As String = querystring(param)
        Dim result As Integer
        If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(str) AndAlso 
            Integer.TryParse(str, result) Then
            Return result
        End If
        Return Nothing
    End Function

End Module

To use it you simply use the following syntax: VB

int? categoryID = default(int?);
categoryID = Request.Querystring.GetNullableInt("CategoryID");
if (categoryID.HasValue) {
	//Filter by categoryID


Dim categoryID As Integer?
categoryID = Request.Querystring.GetNullableInt("CategoryID")
If categoryID.HasValue Then
  'Filter by categoryID
End If

Another quite common thing we do from querystring params is cast them to an enum.

I use the following helper to cast it to an enum, or default it to a patciular type.


public static class QuerystringHelper

	public static T GetEnumOrDefault<T>(
        NameValueCollection querystring, 
        string param, 
        T defaultEnum) where T : struct
		T myEnum = default(T);
		if (Enum.TryParse(querystring(param), myEnum)) {
			return myEnum;
		} else {
			return defaultEnum;



Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module QuerystringHelper

    <Extension> _
	Public Shared Function GetEnumOrDefault(Of T As Structure)(
        querystring As NameValueCollection, 
        param As String, 
        defaultEnum As T) As T
		Dim myEnum As T = Nothing
		If [Enum].TryParse(querystring(param), myEnum) Then
			Return myEnum
			Return defaultEnum
		End If
	End Function
End Module

This is awesome, because we can use even less code - and I think it’s really clear code to read.


enum Category {Javascript, dotNet, html};
Category a = Request.QueryString.
    GetEnumOrDefault<Category>("CategoryType", Category.Javascript);


Public Enum Category
End Enum
Dim a As Category = Request.QueryString.
    GetEnumOrDefault(Of Category)("Category", Category.Javascript)