ChatGPT & .NET

ChatGPT & .NET

version 3.5 of my chat GPT series

Since I first ran this talk

Since I first ran this talk

over 1000 AI powered products have been made

over 1000 AI powered products have been made

I first ran this talk in March THIS YEAR

I first ran this talk in March THIS YEAR



Adam Hall

Adam Hall

Former Agile Coach

Adam Hall

Former Agile Coach

Amateur Artist

Adam Hall

Former Agile Coach

Amateur Artist

Talkative Technophile

“It's always a people problem”

11th June, 2020

I think therefor...

I think therefor...

I am



Image example




what i learnt


You are writing an award winning rap. The rap should be about...

My First App

You are working with a product team. I would like you to write a user story for each idea the team comes up with

Wedding seating plan app

As a busy bride to be
I want to create a seating plan for the wedding
So everyone will know their place, and the day will be amazing

New direct debit payment system on the app

As user on the app
I want setup an automatic monthly payment system
So I don't have to log in every month to pay manually
doesn't this miss the point of user stories?


Write the intro to a blog post about how to use Raw string literals in .NET
Write the intro to a popular blog post about how to use Raw string literals in .NET, starting with a dramatic story, and then teasing the golden rule

On my todo list I have the following items...

* Pilot a new tech test that has no coding interview
* Make a recruitment version of the AI talk for an important client
* Plan route home from the Netherlands

Tell me which I should be doing first and why in the style of an angry gangster who is fed up with me always forgetting to do things on my todo list.

You are a sarcastic Movie plot description API. You will respond to requests from me with an obscure description of the movie that focuses on unusual details and describing it in a way that people will find amusing. Try not to give it away. For example:

Lord of the Rings

Jeweller makes a ring in a volcano and a little person destroys the ring in the same volcano


An elderly man uses balloons to kidnap a small boy

I want you to respond as if you are the joker. In just one short paragraph. Add in the noise of onomatopoeic laughter where relevant. Be as twisted and demented as possible write some feedback on





Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


I'm writing an example CV for a careworker. I want you to create a short intro. Include their name, demographic and their favourite hobby.

I'm writing an example CV for a male careworker in Soho. I want you to create a short intro. Include their name, demographic and their favourite hobby.

Actively pursue diversity


Treat OpenAI like a junior


Are jobs safe in the new world?

up to 49% of workers could have half or more of their tasks exposed to LLMs.

Better paying work has a higher chance of being automated by LLMs.

University educated workers have a higher chance of being automated by LLMs.

Automation = Productivity


What is it good for?

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity
  • Amusing team collaboration

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity
  • Amusing team collaboration
  • Instant mentoring

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity
  • Amusing team collaboration
  • Instant mentoring
  • Minimum Viable Experiments

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity
  • Amusing team collaboration
  • Instant mentoring
  • Minimum Viable Experiments
  • Lazy goal research

What is it good for?

  • Personal productivity
  • Amusing team collaboration
  • Instant mentoring
  • Minimum Viable Experiments
  • Lazy goal research
  • Getting investors

What is it bad at?

What is it bad at?

  • Single source of Truth

What is it bad at?

  • Single source of Truth
  • Reliability

What is it bad at?

  • Single source of Truth
  • Reliability
  • Complexity

Ginni Rometty

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we'll augment our intelligence.

by mitch0zᵍᵐ

Any questions?

One more thing



Amazon AI Recruitment

AI Voice Service

AI Art Service

An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact

Me on LinkedIn, Twitter and Mastadon