My name is Adam Hall. A father of 2 boys, & head of development for the UK’s largest wedding website.
I work in a small team in the UK, and manage some more devs over seas.
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(1 minute)
I was doing the enjoyable task of removing warnings from the code base today. We had a bad period of being stung by bugs that could have been prevented if the developer had heeded the warnings.
Visual studio gives you a nice way to see the warnings as errors to make them more urgent.
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(4 minutes)
I have recently started programming in a more jquery centric style, to make sure that all the javascript on our sites are AWESOME!
I was testing our latest control cross browser and found that IE 8 and lower didn't like my plugin. Digging into developer tools (f12) the following line was throwing an error.
thumbnailImage: $("<img />", { class: "imgThumb", alt: "thumbnail", src: "/images/hba/noImage.gif" }),
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(1 minute)
I had a very bizarre need to insert multiple rows into multiple tables into SQL Server, let me show you a little picture. The concept is a seating plan, imagine a circular table that has 12 possible seats around it.
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(2 minutes)
Okay, I just got burned by an @@Identity bug in SQL Server. What is that?
I had a written a spec that made it necessary for the developer to create a row in a database and return the ID to the application, then this ID would trigger an email to be sent in the site.
Suddenly it breaks, why?
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(2 minutes)