
Random musings

    The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. ).

    01 Apr 2011

    Had a really frustrating error in the web project where the following error message appeared... The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).
    read more (1 minute)

    Setting up Ultra find for Visual Studio 2010

    15 Dec 2010

    If you use Visual Studio 2010 you should install "ultra find" and set it up properly to index your solutions, and you'll have accurate search results in seconds.


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    How to compare sql queries to analyse real time run speed

    07 Oct 2010

    Once a month we find the 3 slowest running queries over the last month in our database and see if we can squeeze more performance out of them. We used to have to manually run the queries in query analyzer and watch how long they took, but after sometime, the differences in performance speed were so fractional, you couldn't trust the query speed by just performing an Exec Statement.
    More recently I devised a SQL script that could compare two queries and slow the percentage increase (or decrease) in running speed. See the query as follows...

    read more (2 minutes)

    Moving to wordpress

    15 Sep 2010

    I've decided to move my blog from http://digiguru69.blogspot.com/ to wordpress because that way I can download the app for my iPhone. (30 seconds)

    How to Pivot a survey table in SQL Server and return percentages in the columns

    03 Sep 2010

    I came across a problem earlier today that had me stuck for a whole lunchbreak.

    We send out yearly surveys, and our growing number of members choose weather to complete the survey. Now that we have historic data, I wanted to compare all the data of the years in one simple database query. I immediately thought of Sql Server 2005's Pivot command.

    First - I will set up a temporary table that simulates a flattened view of a couple of fake questions in the survey. The actual tables are very denormalised, but this represents just the data I was trying to analyse.

    DECLARE @Survey TABLE (
      surveyname VARCHAR(50),
      username   VARCHAR(50),
      question   VARCHAR(255),
      answer     VARCHAR(50))

    INSERT INTO @Survey
    SELECT '2008',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2008',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2008',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2008',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2009',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'Where do you live?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'What sex are you?',
    SELECT '2010',
           'Where do you live?',

    Selecting from that table shows all the data

    SELECT *

    FROM   @survey 

    Now we want to compare how the total number of answers for each survey have changed over the years.

    SELECT *
    FROM   (SELECT username,
            FROM   @survey mainsurvey) AS answers PIVOT (COUNT(username) FOR
           surveyname IN
           ([2008], [2009], [2010])) AS pivoted
    ORDER  BY question 

    Output is shown below.

    What sex are you?Female112
    What sex are you?Male122
    Where do you live?England211
    Where do you live?Scotland012
    Where do you live?Wales011

    This form of data really hard to read. It's hard to see from the table how many people have answered each question. It would be far better to use percentages for each row.

    I thought this would be easy - just put the percentage calculation in the pivot clause. I attempted to do this and just received syntax errors. After reading the spec I realised the only valid statement before the "for" tag is an aggregate function. On by adding DLLs to sql server can you add an aggregate, and I was losing confidence in the ability to display percentages. I took this opportunity to go on lunch!

    While eating it came to me. You can change the value going into the pivot to a fraction of a percentage for each survey question. That way you can sum the values and create the final percentage values.

    Full code sits below...

    SELECT *
    FROM   (SELECT surveyname,
                   weight = 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT username)
                                     FROM   @survey total
                                     WHERE  total.surveyname =
            FROM   @survey mainsurvey) AS answers PIVOT (SUM(weight) FOR surveyname
           IN (
           [2008], [2009], [2010])) AS pivoted
    ORDER  BY question 

    the result has nice percentages in it!

    What sex are you?Female50.00000000000033.33333333333350.000000000000
    What sex are you?Male50.00000000000066.66666666666650.000000000000
    Where do you live?England100.00000000000033.33333333333325.000000000000
    Where do you live?ScotlandNULL33.33333333333350.000000000000
    Where do you live?WalesNULL33.33333333333325.000000000000
    (2 minutes)