
Random musings

    Writing the first calabash test

    10 Mar 2015

    Going through the stages of writing my first calabash test. Firstly I went to my project folder, and opened the following file /features/login.feature.

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    How to write a unit test for your jQuery plugin

    09 Mar 2015

    I think alot of people think that javascript is untestable, even less write tests for the jQuery plugins.

    This is a real shame, as there are libraries out there like qUnit that allow test classes to be written for your javascript plugins.

    Firstly let’s set up your environment.
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    Alpha Channels in GIMP

    08 Mar 2015

    I have recently been asked to cut some photos up for a friend and put the subjects into new photos.

    This is a common request that is often though of as easy. Sadly it’s not that straightforward, but one I’ve been known to do in Photoshop using Alpha Channels.
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    Starting out with Calibash

    07 Mar 2015

    We are about to release a new version of one of our mobile apps at work, and until now we have had no budget for QA. I am however just about to enter in a conversation with a team that is actively running calabash. I decided that it was important to try it out. I decided to invest my evening into getting the project setup with calabash, and following are the results of that experimentation.

    Start by installing calabash gem

    I fire up my bash script (by dragging the folder I am working on to terminal) and run the following…

    $ gem install calabash-cucumber

    D’oh - I get a permission error - I need to use the correct version of ruby installed on my computer rather than the locked down old version that apple provides. Luckily I already have RVM, so….

    $ rvm use 2.1.2
    $ gem install calabash-cucumber

    This takes about 15mins on a dodgy internet connection. Now I have everything I need.

    $ calabash-ios setup

    This outputs the following…

    Checking if Xcode is running...
    Found Project: Scrapbook
    Found several *.pbxproj files in dir Scrapbook.xcodeproj.
    Found: project.pbxproj
    We don't yet support this. Please setup calabash manually.

    Oh - I’ve done something wrong :(. I decide that these ‘several’ projects all look like some sort of helpful backup that xcode is doing on my behalf, but I read online these aren’t necessary and should not be checked in with the solution, so I decide to delete them.

    I Right Mouse on my xcodeproj and “Show package contents”, and then just remove these strange pbxproj BASE, BACKUP, LOCAL, REMOTE files using finder.

    Run the command again…

    $ calabash-ios setup

    I get the following warnings

    The domain/default pair of (/Users/digiguru/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Accessibility.plist, ApplicationAccessibilityEnabled) does not exist

    (nad then repeated again for 6.1, 7.0.3, 7.1, and 7.1-64). I assume this is old emulators that aren’t working in Xcode 6+ so I decide to ignore them for now.

    However below these warnings I also get the following…

    ----------Setup done----------
    Please validate by running the -cal target
    from Xcode.
    When starting the iOS Simulator using the
    new -cal target, you should see:
      "Started LPHTTP server on port 37265"
    in the application log in Xcode.

    Hmm - I guess it’s time to open xcode.

    Open up the project - hmm pods aren’t there as this has been a fresh checkout, so I close xcode and run pod install

    $ pod install

    Now re-open xcode and have a look - I have a new scheme. Originally there was my app “Scrapbook”, but now I have a second “Scrapbook-cal”. I open this scheme and hit RUN!

    Indeed when it’s running the debugger logs the following…

    Creating the server: <LPHTTPServer: 0x7fbc98555600>
    Calabash iOS server version: CALABASH VERSION: 0.13.0
    Started LPHTTP server on port 37265

    Looks good. Time to generate the default test….

    $ calabash-ios gen

    I get a nice approval that everything is working, re-run the app in simulator and then do..

    $ cucumber

    This didn’t work :(

    Unable to auto detect APP_BUNDLE_PATH.
      Have you built your app for simulator?
      Searched dir: /Users/digiguru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Scrapbook-cxpdqqgzvhnwdpdjcafrfpyqpozg/Build/Products

    Instead of finding the project there, I attempt to find it manually. To hack the APP_BUNDLE_PATH I read you can run a line. Originally I think I’ve found it here…


    I’m sure someone smarter than me can figure out the right way of doing this, but I decide to hack it as follows…

    *** WARNING! Do not do this - I later found out I was in the wrong location...
    $ export APP_BUNDLE_PATH="/digiguru/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EB826B69-7054-446D-A681-3A85E0F6BC9D/data/Applications/27481CF3-2B7C-4D6C-9B62-9A78C729718B/My Wedding.app"
    $ cucmber

    This stopped or crashed the simulator, and I got errors.

    plist '/digiguru/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EB826B69-7054-446D-A681-3A85E0F6BC9D/data/Applications/27481CF3-2B7C-4D6C-9B62-9A78C729718B/My Wedding.app/Info.plist' does not exist - could not read (RuntimeError)

    I do some more digging and find that I was in the wrong directory entirely. Now I try the following…

    $ export APP_BUNDLE_PATH="/Users/digiguru/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Scrapbook-dzdljgesgcsjepftybotvqlbttmt/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/My Wedding.app"
    $ cucumber

    The iOS simulator starts up. I watch as the commands start to run without any input.

    The tests complete, and I even get a screenshot in the project’s root directory. I have run my first calabash test! Tomorrow I intend to write my first custom test.

    (3 minutes)

    Don't Break the Chain

    06 Mar 2015

    Self improvement is something I’m always looking at. Over the start of the yea I have given myself a tak every month. For the first month I decided that I would drink No Alcohol.
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